Wednesday, January 16, 2008

All Summer in a Day

All Summer in a Day

Not so far, far away in the not so distant future, there is a community living upon the rainforested surface of Venus. Although, it isn't what many people would expect as exotic. It's just a rainforest with pouring rain, and the higlight of people's lives is when the Sun comes out for 1 hour every 7 years. But for children, this rare occasion is what they wait for all their lives. Although for Margot, it is more then that. Margot is the only one who remembers what the sun looks like out of all her classmates, and they ridicule her for it. Whenever the class sings songs, she barely mumbles. But when they sing about the sun in its glowing glory, she is the child you will hear above the rest.

It rains all the time, although this day is different. Margot told everyone the Sun was supposed to show its shining rays on this glorious day. Yet, the other children don't believe her, and lock her in a closet amongst her kicking and screaming. The children, huffing from the exertion of moving Margot, feel a sudden warmth upon their backs of which couldn't be compared to the artificial light they had grown accustomed to. The totally forgot about Margot, left alone in the closet, with the sudden joy they felt knowing that the sun was out. The all run out the door in a bundle of flailing limbs to play in the new found warmth, upon the jungle floor. But this joyous occasion comes to an abrupt end when the dreariness of the pounding rain returns. With much less enthusiasm, the children file back into the underground city. As they do say, they suddenly remember, Margot was left in the closet! They hurriedly unlock the closet and allow Margot to come out, although it was too late and the sun had been replaced by the monotiny of the pounding rain. The sun comes up for 1 hour in 7 years and the kids lock Margot in a closet, isn't that messed up? Margot practically lived to see the sun, but the ignorance of the children prevented her from doing so.

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