Wednesday, January 16, 2008

The Wonderful Ice Cream Suit

The Wonderful Ice Cream Suit

In this story, Gomez seeks for 4 other men for a mission, to by a wonderful suit with which women would fall for them at a glance. They all chip in to buy the $50 suit and they rush back to the apartment to try it on. They wear it in shifts of 30 minutes, and when they return, they come back with blissfull stories and feelings that they had never before had the privilege to feel. But, a moment of absolute horror occurs when Vamenos, the klutz, recieves the suit for his shift. The other 4 men watch him from the window to make sure he doesn't bring harm to their suit. They even brief him on the behaviors he cannot participate in, such as eating something sloppy, or leaning against a wall. They glance out the window and what do they see? Vamenos breaking every rule they had set. Not only is he munching on a taco that appears as if its going to spill over at any moment, but he is lugging a woman who has loads of powder on her face and lipstick. They hurriedly rush out and take the taco from him and make the woman go away. But, Vamenos has 1 minute left in his shift and decides to go talk to a lady across the street, but as he's beginning to cross a car, from out of nowhere hits him and sends him flying along with the beloved ice cream suit. Luckily, the ice cream suit is not harmed and comes out unscathed.

I felt as I was reading this is that you shouldn't wrap your life around one material object. Because sooner or later it'll be endangered, and what do you do then? It's already become what your mind constantly thinks about. A recent study showed that people who suffer from insanity were only concerned with one possession, which they lost. Although, these men didn't have much to call their own, so they may not have been able to help it. When they saw the wonders the suit caused when they wore it, they couldn't help but become attached.

All Summer in a Day

All Summer in a Day

Not so far, far away in the not so distant future, there is a community living upon the rainforested surface of Venus. Although, it isn't what many people would expect as exotic. It's just a rainforest with pouring rain, and the higlight of people's lives is when the Sun comes out for 1 hour every 7 years. But for children, this rare occasion is what they wait for all their lives. Although for Margot, it is more then that. Margot is the only one who remembers what the sun looks like out of all her classmates, and they ridicule her for it. Whenever the class sings songs, she barely mumbles. But when they sing about the sun in its glowing glory, she is the child you will hear above the rest.

It rains all the time, although this day is different. Margot told everyone the Sun was supposed to show its shining rays on this glorious day. Yet, the other children don't believe her, and lock her in a closet amongst her kicking and screaming. The children, huffing from the exertion of moving Margot, feel a sudden warmth upon their backs of which couldn't be compared to the artificial light they had grown accustomed to. The totally forgot about Margot, left alone in the closet, with the sudden joy they felt knowing that the sun was out. The all run out the door in a bundle of flailing limbs to play in the new found warmth, upon the jungle floor. But this joyous occasion comes to an abrupt end when the dreariness of the pounding rain returns. With much less enthusiasm, the children file back into the underground city. As they do say, they suddenly remember, Margot was left in the closet! They hurriedly unlock the closet and allow Margot to come out, although it was too late and the sun had been replaced by the monotiny of the pounding rain. The sun comes up for 1 hour in 7 years and the kids lock Margot in a closet, isn't that messed up? Margot practically lived to see the sun, but the ignorance of the children prevented her from doing so.

Monday, January 14, 2008

The Veldt and The Gift

The Veldt

In this story, 2 children decide to kill their parents when the parents threaten to turn their smart house off. By doing so, they would all have to do everyday chores instead of letting the house do it for them. Like clean, cook, even tie their shoes. Things like you and I find quick and simple would seem like a huge task to them. The children have become overly dependent on the smart house, since it allows them to laze around. Although, the breaking point was when the father decided to turn off the nursery, which is practically what these 2 children live for.

It wasn't the house that made the kids messed up in the head, so much as the parents willingness to give their children anything they want. There are many smart houses in use today. Most are to help the elderly, who have had certain conditions that prevent them from doing certain tasks, with daily life. Although none have been blamed for psychologically devious children. If it isn't the smart house at blame, nor is it the parents, then what? It only leaves the kids to have messed up themselves.

The first ever smart house was made in Peterborough in the United Kingdom. With a price tag reading 92,000 sterlings, or $180,176.65 for the technology alone, only upper class citizens could afford this lavish lifestyle. If a house is so smart, would it be capable of turning against you? That's something to consider before purchasing a smart house.

The Gift

In this story, a family takes a trip into space on Christmas. The family wants to bring along gifts for their son, but they are faced with a dilemma when the gifts exceed the weight limit. They decide to continue on the trip while leaving the gifts behind. Arriving in space, the child realizes that he is without gifts and compromises, he wants to view the heavenliness of space through the 1 viewing window. The parents ponder about what they're going to do for their child for Christmas, and decide to bring him to the window as his present.

There is a theme in this story that can easily be interpreted, Christmas isn't about extravagent fixtures, and expensive presents. A gift can be simple, and still mean a lot. Even looking into space through a window. Although, a space trip right now isn't for the people who live paycheck to paycheck. A trip into space can cost up to $200,000 for a fleeting visit of 2 hours to the final frontier. With this soaring price, there are already 200 takers that are willing to be sent into space. Although, the maximum capacity for 1 of these flights is 6 passengers, and that's still crammed in to the shuttle. So this is no luxury trip, although it's amazing to be able to look down at Earth from so far away. But, the fantasy depicted in Bradbury's book may not be in the distant future. Technology is constantly being upgraded, soon we will be looking at Bradbury's book as a non - fiction story.